The Exquisite Extra Large Luxury Ivory and Pink Bridal Wedding bouquet


This bouquet with its exquisite beauty, luxurious craftsmanship, and hand-assembled perfection will add an unforgettable touch of sophistication and grandeur to your special day. An extra large masterpiece, it features lifelike roses, ranunculus, lisianthus and gypsophila in the purest ivory hue and shades of pink; an elegant, timeless combination that will make any bride's heart flutter and is the perfect keepsake from your special day!

The bouquet shown in the photos is 17inches and is also available in a smaller 12 inch. (Measurements are from end to end of the foliage)

All designs shown are customisable and entire wedding packages are available simply use the ‘CONTACT US’ feature on the main page to help us create the perfect bespoke quote for you with products ranging from Bridal Bouquets in varying sizes, bridesmaid bouquets, pinned and wrist corsages, boutonnières, hair clips and slides, event decor and hat box flower gifts.

Photos of all designs will be sent prior to dispatch to ensure you are entirely happy.

We advise to order as soon as possible giving your wedding date to calculate dispatch time or allow at least 4-5 weeks for wedding orders to be made. If you need this item quicker please message us and we will do our best to accommodate.

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